One Point Lesson:

3 Questions many companies should ask to succeed with a central vacuum unit:
Q. How do I know if I need PTFE filters or polyester filters?
A. Filters are selected based on the type of material collected. PTFE is a plastic coating bonded to the base polyester media to enhance filter performance. Polyester felt or spun-bond media is the typical go-to for most applications.
Q. What type of metal tubing should be used for stick material?
A. Vacuum systems are usually deployed using galvanized coated tubing. Other materials such as aluminum and 304 stainless steel are selected based on the application's environmental or sanitary requirements.
Q. How much maintenance does an Air Dynamics Central Vacuum need?
A. Typically 8 to 25 hours a year. The maintenance primarily includes filter changes and general performance upkeep.